
I need to make a to do list
I need to make a to do list

There are times when our brains have to dump items into a list, such as when brainstorming content ideas for your blog.\

  • Group you to-do list by project or category.
  • Reserve your calendar for tasks that take 15-minutes or more. Don't clog your calendar with tasks that will only take you a couple of minutes to complete. As such, you should place this on your list instead of cluttering your calendar. Not all items have an arbitrary deadline. If you believe that to-do lists will work for you, here's when you should put tasks on your to dos:
  • It's easy to confuse personal and professional tasks.
  • Sometimes you feel you're adding more to your lists then subtracting.
  • They don't know how to prioritize items on their list.
  • Crossing off things on your lists feels so good that you'll be intrinsically motivated to cross off more items.Īt the same time, some believe that to do lists don't work because:.
  • Relieves stress since you can see that you're moving forward.
  • Allows you to see which tasks can be delegated or outsourced.
  • Makes you accountable for your actions.
  • Helps you prioritize what needs to get done.
  • i need to make a to do list

    To-do lists create order in your life since you can take larger projects and break them into doable chunks.To-do lists breakdown abstract goals into concrete actions.Studies show that students who write notes in class can help distill the information they hear and remember it better.

    I need to make a to do list